#SupporterSaturday w. IDK? CAFE

IDK? CAFE and Justin Eaton have been providing scrumptious and creative tastes for the Children’s Safety Center’s biggest event, the Dream Big Charity Gala, for the last few years. This Tuesday, they are providing an amazing Halloween themed spread for our Open House. Stop by the CSC between 4:00pm and 6:00pm to check it out and read below to learn more and all things IDK?

How did you become involved with the Children’s Safety Center?

We started our involvement with the CSC a couple of years ago by providing appetizers for the Dream Big Gala.  It was the perfect way to showcase our food as well as help support a great cause.  Because of that one particular event, we have been able to meet other groups that also needed catering for full meal fundraisers, so it’s been really a win win.

Why do you continue to stay involved?

One of the primary reasons we stay involved is because of the work the center does for our most vulnerable members of society.  We are also the food provider for Washington county head start programs, so we have a special place in our hearts for the kids.  Also, we believe that giving back to our community is the number one way to stay relevant.

What is your favorite thing about the CSC?

Seeing the outcomes in these kids lives.  Knowing that the kids are going to be in a place where they thrive without fear or abuse, where they are free to be kids.  The hand prints.  Every time I see them it makes me smile , even for just a moment.

Why is it important to spread the mission of the CSC to the community?

Not to be completely cliche, but I believe children are our future.  I don’t have all the stats available, but the amount of neglected and abused kids is staggering to me.  Breaking the cycle of abuse starts with teaching these kids and getting them help.

Fun Fact that people may not know?

I spent a week in Nicaragua on a coffee farm.  While there I got to hand out Christmas presents to all the kids.  They were completely fascinated with my electronic devices and I’ve never felt so much genuine affection from people I barely knew.

Please give some background on yourself and what you do professionally.

Justin is the owner of IDK? CAFE.  Head over to their web-page to learn more about the Eaton family and all the wonderful food they provide www.IDKcafe.com

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